The 2013.09.04 Angstrom image for the BeagleBone Black supports our USB Wifi modules out

The 2013.09.04 Angstrom image for the BeagleBone Black supports our USB Wifi modules out of the box. No need to install or compile; it just works!

Instructions to update the software on your BeagleBone Black:

More info on the UWN100 and UWN200 Wifi modules: and

Is there any chance of a 5.8GHz adapter in the future?

@William_C_Bonner - 5.8GHz is currently not possible in the same footprint due to technology limitations. So there are no plans for it yet, but we’ll keep investigating the possibilities. Thanks for the suggestion!

Does the driver support AP functionality too?

The Mediatek MT7601 chip and drivers should support AP mode. However, setting up AP mode in Linux can be tricky. We have not tested it and are not able to offer support for this.