That design on my 3020 came out well.

That design on my 3020 came out well.

Nice, and shiny… What Kind of Material is that? Wax? HDPE?

@Werner_Drasch HDPE. I made the image using an online photo and traced the inverted bitmap image on Inkscape. Saved it as an svg file and sent it to to generate the gcode. Then cut it out on my 3020 using a planetCNC controller and a 3.125 mm ballnose bit.

I have been using planet cnc quite a bit, their software/ controllers set up is slick. Nice work

It’s real easy to use, and I like being able to rotate the image from one orientation to another. Not sure if I can do with my other controller, but I wasn’t able with TinyG without trying to setup a macro

It seems like each controller system has its pros & cons. I did like TinyG, but I blew out 2 boards and thought I’d try others.

In theory I like tinyg. No great software for it is it’s down fall in my opinion. It’s a great motion controller, but difficult to get it reliable, and have a3d image of cutting paths.

When I use tinyg with chilipeppr, it for some reason takes off randomly in strange directions. Cncjs much better, but not as many options as I would like

@George_Allen rotation has nothing to do with the controller. They interpret Gcode - that’s all.

@Mark_Leino it’s a Gcode interpreter - any GRBL-compatible software should work.