testing my new image displaying code...

testing my new image displaying code…
One of the corner squares doesn’t always display the right color. probably a bug in my code.

Are these bitmap images? What format are you using?

I second Justin’s question. That thing is nice and big!

Hi, I’m sorry I missed this question.These are JPG images but any format should work. Mind that I’m using a raspi to read the images and fetch the pixel data. This data is then send to an arduino over serial. I made some changes now and only use a raspberry instead of arduino+raspberry. However I will switch back to the previous setup because I really like the fastled library for its multiple chip support. For LPD8806 leds a raspberry alone is fine because this chipset uses a clock line. While displaying images is possible with only an arduino I didn’t took this route because I want to play games (tetris, snake, pong,…) and do some other stuff too. Also I wanted a webserver to control the display over wifi so the choice for the raspberry wasn’t hard to make. A better option however would be a raspberry + teensy.