STL model is not moving

Hi folks,

I was trying to import the stl model of a 6 axis robotic arm. I followed instructions from a manual and video, but the model is not responding when I try to move axis. What could it be the problem?

This is a very nice model. :slight_smile:
I have only corrected some small things like axis names and entered the rotation points of the rotation axes in the MachineManager. The loading time of the model is a bit long because there are very many small surfaces. Especially surfaces in the interior, which can not be seen, could be deleted to make the model a bit more performant.

I have included the model with the name “ROS” in my current alpha version V17. You can download it from my website.

Have fun with it


Hey, many thanks for your support. Cant wait to try it. Also in the meanwhile I deleted all unnecessary faces, so model should perform a bit better.

Also I played a bit with a roboticarm.dat I wanted to make it work with grbl5x. Robot understands gcode in this format: G90 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 C0

I just uploaded a new alpha version v19. During the installation some hex files for Mega-5X are copied.
The file “grbl-Mega-5X_v1.2h_ABCDEH.hex” provides all axes to supply your model in GrblGru.
However, there are still problems with the H-axis. But I am in contact with the developer of Mega-5X about this.
If you flash your controller with the hex file, all other axes should work.

In the attachment you can find the STL files I used for the model. Please rename .step to .zip and unzip to get the STLs.

Wish you much success :slight_smile:

ROS.step (1.7 MB)

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Hey thanks for the update. I use a modified version of grbl 5x GitHub - ArctosRobotics/Arctos-grbl-v0.1: 6 Axis version of Grbl, the open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on an Arduino Mega2560
It has custom axis names. If you need hex files let me know.

Thanks again for your help, your software is amazing. I’m anticipating to make some cool drawings with the arm.

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