Stefan Petrick Any thoughts on whether it is possible to get your smooth noise

@Stefan_Petrick Any thoughts on whether it is possible to get your smooth noise code running on a 16x16 WS2812 matrix? Or will it only work with a APA102 matrix? I’m trying to run it using Arduino Mega and 16x16 WS2812 matrix, and it works for about 1 second, then freezes.

you may be running out of memory in the mega - there’s over 6500 bytes of memory used just at compile time - and there may be more that gets used by other things at runtime. The mega only has 8kb of ram available total

Hmmm, OK, maybe I should try this on a Wemos D1 Mini? I do have a couple Teensy 3.2 boards, but I’m working on a project that I’m making in triplicate, so using a Teensy would be expensive.

I did run the code on the D1 Mini with a ws2812 matrix. Only thing I needed was


before including fastled.

It ran with 70fps iirc, that was ok for me. teensy would be faster but also more expensive