Sorry for the sh*tty video quality,

Sorry for the sh*tty video quality, but with a few tweaks of the NoisePlayground example’s parameters, I’m starting to get some crazy effects! This LED stuff is too much fun!

oh man, looking forward to putting this to use on my installation!

That’s not even all the parameters that will be available to tweak. I’m about to get on a cross country flight and guess what I’ve got in my bag to entertain me in the air.

Oh, and things may get 2-5x faster by the time I land, depending on how many octaves one plays with :wink:

Oh, by the way, did you add 100 LED minimum to WS2812’s, even if you set it to >100?

I may have been interpreting the serial print data wrong then

it’s also possible that it is not entirely accurate - depends on whether or not the millis clock adjustments works - and i’mnot sure it’s working on the teensy right now.