Sometimes a small simple filament clip can save an important bit of our time

Sometimes a small simple filament clip can save an important bit of our time
These two are designed from scratch for Fillamentum spools, but can work with some other brands (depends on spool wall shape).

#3Dprinting @Fillamentum filament #3Dtisk

Thank you much! I’ll take one of those. I currently only have 2 spools but I’m sure I’ll be getting more as time goes on. I’ve only had my printer about 6 weeks.

@Kevin_Danger_Powers I have 5 boxes only for opened materials. :wink: If you use Fillamentum spools, it clicks and holds. Other spool types are the object of your tests. Happy #3Dprinting!

I use a clip similar to this one: - I redrew it slightly to only have 3 “holes” instead of 5.

@Ashley_M_Kirchner_No Good idea, simple design. (I hope the new pair should stick better to the Fillamentum’s spool side specifically.)

Yeah, that’s why I like the ones I have, they fit all of the different spools I Have.

@Ashley_M_Kirchner_No I get it. :wink: (I like more friction and firmer fixing of the filament.)