Something new for demanding professionals and enterprises from today's launch Bet on the professional

Something new for demanding professionals and enterprises from today’s launch
Bet on the professional desktop 3D printer came out very well for #Ultimaker with model 3. This is a reasonable evolution. I look forward to having #UltimakerS5 in hands…


Ultimaker is classic example if company that make breakthrough with inovation, becomes bigger and loose it. Except insane cost it is same printer no inovation.

@George_Novtekov I am afraid the professionals can tell you that reliability of 3D printing in production environment from different materials (even from those well known for ‘issues’) is the main goal. And I saw and heard many of real world stories of that rank from different types of companies (not only) here in :czech_republic:.

So, the integration of software, hardware and materials (material profiles) is the main innovation for me. Despite it might sound as a marketing cliché, it’s not that case (for current and well tested Ultimaker 3 at least). In dual material segment of desktop 3D printers market the previous Ultimaker 3 still rules. We will see if the bigger brother will go the same way into high tech companies like VW, Bosch etc. I bet it will, fast.

This is not a rep rap machine anymore and there is no overlap with hobby segment. But there are many of good low cost and inexpensive kits here to choose and play with for home and personal projects. I love the variety of choices across the FDM/FFF market today.

Not beeing Rep Rap don’t mean it’s professional but being closed. I am really enjoyed to see how Bosch will bay it as Bosch do robots by themselves and every Cartesian or Scara that they produce is miles away compared to diy stile of mechanics in Ultimaker. They also got very good controllers that parse g-code with industrial grade parsers and the onlything that is needed such a Scara robot to become ultimate printer is to attach hotend. I am building my printer with components like Bosch Rexroth and the printer looks and fills no toy anymore.missing/deleted image from Google+

@George_Novtekov I don’t think Ultimaker with instantly swappable PrintCores is anywhere near to DIY toy and can’t blame them if they stick to what works very well with 2–5 days 3D printing again and again in light and still robust enough desktop style (for affordable price even for solo pro users). But don’t get me wrong, I started with Printrbot, Prusa etc. kits with own modifications and also like to watch how community projects grow. (Nice build, by the way.) Now I have thousands of hours printed on Ultimakers and they are simply reliable.

@George_Novtekov Funny how you seem to suggest UM is both closed and DIY. That’s a weird and possibility contradictory way to put it. RepRap isn’t the only valid expression of “open”. Yes RepRap is about openness but it also means that the printer is largely made of printed parts. That was necessary in the early years because other methods of getting parts was expensive.

That I know, Ultimaker hardware is open save for two things, non-commercial license and delayed release of design files. I appreciate the quality of industrial builds but for 3D printing, I prefer the Ultimaker mechanism because it’s very efficient on hardware, high performing, makes very good quality parts and super compact for the build volume.