Solution for easy belt tensioning without over or under tension. And it lasts.
My friends Monoprice came with one of those springs. I was kinda weary about it though as you’re allowing some spring back into the belt and when quickly changing direction it just seems like the print head could be inaccurate. I don’t have any experience personally with the spring but it just kinda seems like it would defeat the purpose of material inside the belt. Just my 2 cents. It could work great and is possibly a better way to keep things tight as the spring will compress as the belt stretches.
The spring is pretty stiff compared to how light the hot end is, it would take a pretty impressive direction change to cause a major inaccuracy. This really just keeps the slop out and won’t show vibrations in the print from over tightness.
@Garnet_Hardly I was thinking more along the lines very small inaccuracies. Depending on how stiff the spring is, it could work perfect. I wouldn’t be apposed to trying it honestly.
congratulations on reinventing the wheel!
and fyi it will still cause ringing. just do a thingiverse search before posting things which have been done millions of times before
It’s a spring A-hole lol🖕
Its a repost a-hole
@ekaggrat_singh_kalsi if you are concerned that your belt tension mechanism causes ringing, you can add a damper.
@Baldur_Norddahl my belts are perfectly fine… what i was pointing out is the idea of the spring is absurd and people keep re posting it!
You don’t want to use this. The spring will cause ringing around corners.
@ekaggrat_singh_kalsi people have been putting clothespin springs on printer belts for nearly a decade. Just won’t go away
@shauki I don’t like the clothespin springs… been trying to convince people to stop using them for years.