Solar Wind Powered desktop toy nearly ready! Now all I need is a small

Solar Wind Powered desktop toy nearly ready! Now all I need is a small solar panel and the toy is complete :slight_smile: Model downloaded from

Cool! Is it printed in ABS?

I used PLA, the object was printed in 9 parts :slight_smile:

Looking good then - perhaps this will be something we give a whirl too (pun intended) :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if the makibox can do this?

I salvaged cheap soloar garden lamps for solar panels - small enough and great fun. I found them in our trashbin and they were "broken in a way that the batteries was worn out.

@Niclas_Oberg I was thinking about the same thing, but someone got rid of all my solar garden lamps :frowning: I have to go on a trip to the local garden store :slight_smile:

nice man.