So this is happening in heeks, anyone got any suggestions?

So this is happening in heeks, anyone got any suggestions?

It looks like a retract height or something like that.

I’m got a sketch around the model at the base of the object, spaced a 1/4 inch away from the piece.

I’ve got a surface added and a pocket operation set to that surface and that sketch. This is what I’m getting.

Where do you set the retraction height? I’ve tried to search, but there don’t seem to be many good tutorials for heeks.

In not exactly sure. I’ll have to look the next time I have my computer out. (That probably won’t be until tomorrow night)


A quick search for heekscad heekscnc tutorial gave me a link to a YouTube clip talking about pocketing. Retract seems to be labeled clearance height.

Does that package have a “Safe Z” setting, that it is returning before each cut?

I actually got the model to work, but I had to download an older version of heeks (0.18). I still can’t figure out what was happening with heeks v1