So over the weekend I finally tested out my spindle.

So over the weekend I finally tested out my spindle. the lowest speed I could power it up at was 500. The highest was 8000 or 8200 I think. After that the spindle would not even start. Is that normal? Or do I not have some setting correct?

How (what controller) do you control spindle?
Which Spindle?

Also what spindle driver. Be useful to draw us the path from controller to spindle.

If it’s a VFD I can share my settings

I got everything from smw3d. The 400watt spindle, whatever driver that comes with and a tinyg.

How are you measuring speed?

On the spindle? I’m not, so it could very well be going full speed when the command said to do 8000. I guess I don’t know if the settings could mess that up. Also I’ve noticed when I turn on the power, the PWM light has a very faint red dot. Not sure if that means anything either.

Mostly I’m just asking to learn and to see if I have setting messed up. I’ve made two test cuts and they both worked well. Except I need to find out why it made a square of 77mm instead of 50mm. Again I’m assuming I need to adjust my settings. Also I think I need to tighten my Y belts because movement is stuttery.

@Nick_Portelli assuming you have the same setup as I do 400W spindle and RioRand controller:
The motor speed on mine actually runs from 6000-12000 RPM for S values = 1000-12000.

Read more here:

Post your full parameter set to a cloud drive and provide a URL.
Something sounds wrong with your calibration settings -> Except I need to find out why it made a square of 77mm instead of 50mm

Sorry, by full parameter set I mean $$ command results.
You have an Ox?

Yes and I will. I did get it to near 50mm by adjusting the mm per rev parameter. I’ll post them when I get home.

Here is my parameter list. Could pulling the belts too tight affect the travel per revolution? I pulled them pretty tight. Or the potentiometer on the tinyg for the motors, right now I think they are all at max.

[fb] firmware build 440.20
[fv] firmware version 0.97
[hp] hardware platform 1.00
[hv] hardware version 8.00
[id] TinyG ID 5X3848-QVS
[ja] junction acceleration 2000000 mm
[ct] chordal tolerance 0.0100 mm
[sl] soft limit enable 0
[st] switch type 1 [0=NO,1=NC]
[mt] motor idle timeout 2.00 Sec
[ej] enable json mode 0 [0=text,1=JSON]
[jv] json verbosity 4 [0=silent,1=footer,2=messages,3=configs,4=linenum,5=verbose]
[js] json serialize style 1 [0=relaxed,1=strict]
[tv] text verbosity 1 [0=silent,1=verbose]
[qv] queue report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=single,2=triple]
[sv] status report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=filtered,2=verbose]
[si] status interval 250 ms
[ec] expand LF to CRLF on TX 0 [0=off,1=on]
[ee] enable echo 0 [0=off,1=on]
[ex] enable flow control 1 [0=off,1=XON/XOFF, 2=RTS/CTS]
[baud] USB baud rate 5 [1=9600,2=19200,3=38400,4=57600,5=115200,6=230400]
[net] network mode 0 [0=master]
[gpl] default gcode plane 0 [0=G17,1=G18,2=G19]
[gun] default gcode units mode 1 [0=G20,1=G21]
[gco] default gcode coord system 1 [1-6 (G54-G59)]
[gpa] default gcode path control 2 [0=G61,1=G61.1,2=G64]
[gdi] default gcode distance mode 0 [0=G90,1=G91]
[1ma] m1 map to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[1sa] m1 step angle 1.800 deg
[1tr] m1 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
[1mi] m1 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[1po] m1 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[1pm] m1 power management 2 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[2ma] m2 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[2sa] m2 step angle 1.800 deg
[2tr] m2 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
[2mi] m2 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[2po] m2 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[2pm] m2 power management 2 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[3ma] m3 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[3sa] m3 step angle 1.800 deg
[3tr] m3 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
[3mi] m3 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[3po] m3 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[3pm] m3 power management 2 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[4ma] m4 map to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[4sa] m4 step angle 1.800 deg
[4tr] m4 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
[4mi] m4 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[4po] m4 polarity 0 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[4pm] m4 power management 2 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[xam] x axis mode 1 [standard]
[xvm] x velocity maximum 16000 mm/min
[xfr] x feedrate maximum 16000 mm/min
[xtn] x travel minimum 0.000 mm
[xtm] x travel maximum 290.000 mm
[xjm] x jerk maximum 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjh] x jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjd] x junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[xsn] x switch min 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[xsx] x switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[xsv] x search velocity 3000 mm/min
[xlv] x latch velocity 100 mm/min
[xlb] x latch backoff 10.000 mm
[xzb] x zero backoff 2.000 mm
[yam] y axis mode 1 [standard]
[yvm] y velocity maximum 16000 mm/min
[yfr] y feedrate maximum 16000 mm/min
[ytn] y travel minimum 0.000 mm
[ytm] y travel maximum 320.000 mm
[yjm] y jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjh] y jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjd] y junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[ysn] y switch min 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[ysx] y switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[ysv] y search velocity 3000 mm/min
[ylv] y latch velocity 100 mm/min
[ylb] y latch backoff 10.000 mm
[yzb] y zero backoff 2.000 mm
[zam] z axis mode 1 [standard]
[zvm] z velocity maximum 1000 mm/min
[zfr] z feedrate maximum 1000 mm/min
[ztn] z travel minimum -120.000 mm
[ztm] z travel maximum 0.000 mm
[zjm] z jerk maximum 50 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjh] z jerk homing 1000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjd] z junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[zsn] z switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[zsx] z switch max 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[zsv] z search velocity 1000 mm/min
[zlv] z latch velocity 100 mm/min
[zlb] z latch backoff 10.000 mm
[zzb] z zero backoff 3.000 mm
[aam] a axis mode 3 [radius]
[avm] a velocity maximum 25920 deg/min
[afr] a feedrate maximum 12960 deg/min
[atn] a travel minimum -1.000 deg
[atm] a travel maximum -1.000 deg
[ajm] a jerk maximum 324000 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[ajh] a jerk homing 324000 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[ajd] a junction deviation 0.1000 deg (larger is faster)
[ara] a radius value 5.3050 deg
[asn] a switch min 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[asx] a switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[asv] a search velocity 2000 deg/min
[alv] a latch velocity 2000 deg/min
[alb] a latch backoff 5.000 deg
[azb] a zero backoff 2.000 deg
[bam] b axis mode 0 [disabled]
[bvm] b velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
[bfr] b feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
[btn] b travel minimum -1.000 deg
[btm] b travel maximum -1.000 deg
[bjm] b jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[bjd] b junction deviation 0.0100 deg (larger is faster)
[bra] b radius value 1.0000 deg
[cam] c axis mode 0 [disabled]
[cvm] c velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
[cfr] c feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
[ctn] c travel minimum -1.000 deg
[ctm] c travel maximum -1.000 deg
[cjm] c jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[cjd] c junction deviation 0.0100 deg (larger is faster)
[cra] c radius value 1.0000 deg
[p1frq] pwm frequency 5000 Hz
[p1csl] pwm cw speed lo 0 RPM
[p1csh] pwm cw speed hi 10000 RPM
[p1cpl] pwm cw phase lo 0.000 [0…1]
[p1cph] pwm cw phase hi 1.000 [0…1]
[p1wsl] pwm ccw speed lo 1000 RPM
[p1wsh] pwm ccw speed hi 2000 RPM
[p1wpl] pwm ccw phase lo 0.125 [0…1]
[p1wph] pwm ccw phase hi 0.200 [0…1]
[p1pof] pwm phase off 0.000 [0…1]
[g54x] g54 x offset 0.000 mm
[g54y] g54 y offset -1.587 mm
[g54z] g54 z offset 0.000 mm
[g54a] g54 a offset 0.000 deg
[g54b] g54 b offset 0.000 deg
[g54c] g54 c offset 0.000 deg
[g55x] g55 x offset 145.000 mm
[g55y] g55 y offset 160.000 mm
[g55z] g55 z offset 0.000 mm
[g55a] g55 a offset 0.000 deg
[g55b] g55 b offset 0.000 deg
[g55c] g55 c offset 0.000 deg
[g56x] g56 x offset 0.000 mm
[g56y] g56 y offset 0.000 mm
[g56z] g56 z offset 0.000 mm
[g56a] g56 a offset 0.000 deg
[g56b] g56 b offset 0.000 deg
[g56c] g56 c offset 0.000 deg
[g57x] g57 x offset 0.000 mm
[g57y] g57 y offset 0.000 mm
[g57z] g57 z offset 0.000 mm
[g57a] g57 a offset 0.000 deg
[g57b] g57 b offset 0.000 deg
[g57c] g57 c offset 0.000 deg
[g58x] g58 x offset 0.000 mm
[g58y] g58 y offset 0.000 mm
[g58z] g58 z offset 0.000 mm
[g58a] g58 a offset 0.000 deg
[g58b] g58 b offset 0.000 deg
[g58c] g58 c offset 0.000 deg
[g59x] g59 x offset 0.000 mm
[g59y] g59 y offset 0.000 mm
[g59z] g59 z offset 0.000 mm
[g59a] g59 a offset 0.000 deg
[g59b] g59 b offset 0.000 deg
[g59c] g59 c offset 0.000 deg
[g92x] g92 x offset 0.000 mm
[g92y] g92 y offset 0.000 mm
[g92z] g92 z offset 0.000 mm
[g92a] g92 a offset 0.000 deg
[g92b] g92 b offset 0.000 deg
[g92c] g92 c offset 0.000 deg
[g28x] g28 x position 0.000 mm
[g28y] g28 y position 0.000 mm
[g28z] g28 z position 0.000 mm
[g28a] g28 a position 0.000 deg
[g28b] g28 b position 0.000 deg
[g28c] g28 c position 0.000 deg
[g30x] g30 x position 0.000 mm
[g30y] g30 y position 0.000 mm
[g30z] g30 z position 0.000 mm
[g30a] g30 a position 0.000 deg
[g30b] g30 b position 0.000 deg
[g30c] g30 c position 0.000 deg
tinyg [mm] ok>

$tr=60 mm is typical for ox , might be off by a % or so, certainly not 77/50. _
[g54y] g54 y offset -1.587 mm bothers me a bit - any idea how it got there?
_Weird or unexpected paramater values are sometimes an indication of EEPROM corruption
A couple of A axis parameters look strange as well.

If nothing else works, try this
1. Make sure your parameter list is available, you will need it
2. Send a defa=1 [enter] command to tinyG via the Serial Port command window. _This reverts EEPROM to factory defaults

3. Run $$ again, parameters should look very different from above.
4. Now reenter your parameters, one at a time, via the SerialPort CMD Line interface.
5. When done, run $$ again to verify.
Try your square again.

@Nick_Portelli @cmcgrath5035 You guys do know that you can save and load configuration files with CP right :)?

Don, if you are referring to the Archive and Restore widget, I do know, I was the developer of said widget . I did not want to start there since I never tested it on a potentially borked system, as the results could be more confusing than where we are currently at.
Also, I have not tested it for a while and am frankly not sure if it is still running from GitHub or JSFiddle, have not had time to dig in to JohnL’s migration video

@cmcgrath5035 LOL I did not know it was yours :)!

I value it and have used it many times to save my current so that I can restore if I have problems. I also edit it offline and load it so that I do not have to make changes one line at a time.

It dawned on me last night that I saw 40mm for the traverse or 40 stuck in my head and I put that in. When I rechecked the settings on the Tinyg wiki it said 60. Which is what I ended up on with a few minutes of tinkering.

As for the g54y… no idea. In chillipepper I hit the set machine home button on where I want to start the cut. I don’t have limit switches installed. Could it be from that?

Don - So I will take your comments to indicate that Archive and Restore is still working OK since the move to GitHub. It may still be stored on JSFiddle, I do need to follow up but will do that with appropriate priority. You are using The Backup and Restore widget as I intended.
I prefer to do edits on a “Backup” as the file structure provides some typical formatting guidance. I did not do extensive robustness testing on what would happen if the source file of a “Restore” was damaged.

Nick - It is very possible that the “home button” set the value of g54y.
I have never really looked in depth as to how that widget works. Is is also some cause for concern if that is the case, because writing parameters to tinyG must be done properly or bad things happen.
If the stuttering continues, try my defa=1 suggestion.

@cmcgrath5035 maybe I do not know what “move to github” means. When did that happen? I haven’t changed or backed up my config lately.

@Nick_Portelli don’t know if this is related to your problem but my interpretation and use of home is to move the gantry to a predefined rest position usually out of the way of the milling area. I do not use it to set the 0 position for the job.

To position for job I move the gantry to where I want to start with x,y, z at their expected 0, then press “set mach zero” to align the router with the 0,0 point on CP work space.

I don’t know if this is the right approach or if there is a “RIGHT” approach …

I also use end stop switches for home …

The stuttering was due to some slack in the belts when routing up to the motor, I fixed that. And I’m getting damn near my 50mm square. I think I measured 49.88. Close enough for me for now.

I just wondered if the setting for the other things looked sane.