So my Talos build wrapped up yesterday and I finally got to start calibration

So my Talos build wrapped up yesterday and I finally got to start calibration of the printer. I got delayed finishing because my worker bees weren’t skilled at wiring (my 2 and 4 year old sons who built most of the printer). Also I have been traveling a lot for work.

But the printer combined with the Bondtech Mini direct drive extruder is everything I hoped it would be. I started right off with Flexible filament. I have never been able to print it before since my HercuLien and Eustathios Spider V2 designs have such long Bowden tubes.

The calibration cube (first print in the linked album) turned out great. I tweaked a few settings and printed a cube puzzle to create some retraction because there are 3 pieces. Then I printed a Dinosaur for one of my boys, a phone case for my wife’s phone, and finally a retraction test tonight. The retraction test required I drop my temps to 215C on the hot end and run a 1.6mm retract. I think with a little more tuning I can get a perfect retraction test piece printed.

@Alex_Lee ​​ with your printer and @Martin_Bondeus ​​ with the Bondtech Mini… I think I am going to have loads of fun with Flexible filament. Great job guys.

Also the cable chain is 100% printed in PETG. It moves smooth as butter :slight_smile:

Man you really are the 3d printer whisperer!

@Ben_Delarre Thanks man. But, I just luck out that other people design such nice stuff for me to use.

That sure is a professional lookin’ printer!

I like that cable chain. That one open source? It looks just like the chain I bought on amazon for my laser.

@Joe_Spanier Yeah, you can customize it on Thingiverse:

Here is my customized version for 10x10 Inside Dimension:

Then I just modified the end link STLs in DesignSpark so they had easy bolt locations for mounting to the Talos.

Nice. Does design spark modify stls pretty well now? its been over a year since I tried it.

Yeah, it is really slick. Does a great job of converting stl to solids to begin pushing and pulling faces and adding holes. I am not a big fan of it for designing from scratch… but for modifying STL’s it is my go to software now. Also it is free which helps. Solidworks just really sucks at STL editing, so Designspark fills a nice niche for that.

Awesome. If you think SW sucks at it, you should try it in creo sometime. You would have better luck editing the text file .

@Eclsnowman Those are some amazing prints man! I’m planning on moving the source to Github sometime today and release it to the public soon enough.

@Alex_Lee Great news. I think the Talos frame design will make a nice platform for many types of machines (Laser / CNC Mini Mill / Etc). It is super stiff against flex… but every axis moves like butter.

So getting the source out there will allow the creative community to improve the design even more. I can’t wait to see what mods they can come up with.