So I’m thinking about making a Quadcopter. I was wondering if anyone new some good electronics to build one. I have a Spektrum DX6e remote and want it to be able to work with it. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
This will be my first copter so I dont really know what is a good brain for it. Is the coding very hard to learn for it
My advise is to just get a NAZA M-lite. We tried KK2.0 and MultiWii but you’ll spend tons of time tuning if you want good hover. Or you can just get a NAZA and have amazing hover in 10 mins…
Ya i mainly want to print off the parts wire it up and connect it to my remote and be able to fly it around then later get into more advance stuff
CC3D,, spektrum 6ch receiver, spektrum telemetry(altitude sensor), this is my setup, the cc3d is easy to program and there is a ton of info on it out there, my unit is geared up for the DX6I.