So, if you deposit a layer of water-suspended graphite-oxide on a plastic surface,

So, if you deposit a layer of water-suspended graphite-oxide on a plastic surface, let it dry (I’m guessing), then zap it with a DVD (or possibly BlueRay) laser diode to de-oxygenate it, you get a layer of graphene.

Give you any ideas yet? :wink:

This came up earlier this year and I’ve been waiting, somewhat patiently, for people to start shouting “cheap, super-fast, non-toxic batteries!!”

Are we there yet?

edit: found it… from HackADay, too… . They’re using a LightScribe drive there, which is sorta interesting - you could burn data on one side and graphene circuits (or battery) on the other… (edit edit: actually, that’s sortofa silly idea… )

Graphene laser-etched circuits definitely sound enticing. The resolution that could be achieved in a home setting would be astounding. Milling and etching at home can really only go so far. I wonder what’s possible with this…

building supercapacitors is a big damned deal.

This is amazing. My first thought was that this should be mentioned to #3dprinting enthusiasts everywhere… but then i realized that’s where it came from.

And here again, is a similar finding, posted in July of this year (2012) from Rice University:

(Combine that effort with the video content within this brief, March 2012, UCLA presentation:; I now realize my old external, light-scribe DVD burner, thrown out in the garage, might have some potential future project uses I had certainly never considered!) :wink:

I can only imagine how many Universities and private enthusiast are jumping on the bandwagon in attempting to duplicate these projects, as well as developing new example uses and applications of their own. :smiley:

Exciting times!

they make super capacitors. something that can store electricity like a battery but it only takes seconds to charge.

the fact they can be made this way makes them one HELL of a breakthrough.

the big hurdle to personal power is not windmills, solar panels, generators, hydropower, or hamsters, its consistent output, and power storage.

supercapacitors give you a way to store a lot more of the power made until it is needed. couple it with long term storage units (a buried flywheel, maybe) and your personal 3d printed power source can do wonders.

they can also release all their charge at once (or slowly, either way) releasing all their charge at once means some very cool tricks can be done, even with small cheap ones.