Score! 5 all in one's for $20.00

Dell I5 8gig mem 250HD.

As usual, too good to pass up but now have to figure out what to do with them!

I7 CPU $26.00. 256GB SSD $18.00 ($5.00 more than the last one I purchased)

Nice, fast All In One.

The inside was extremely clean. Just a little fuzz on the CPU cooler. The hard drive was a 7200 RPM Barracuda Drive but it still seemed a bit slow compared to a SSD. I guess I’m getting a bit spoiled working with them!

I’m going to set this up to be used with my 3D printers. I have an old quad core computer on it now. I was going to use the previous I5 Dell I refurbished but this is nice and compact. I just have to figure out where to put it due to its weight.

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Okay, give, where are you getting these deals?

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I live next door to Northern Arizona University. They have a surplus section where they sell off all kinds of equipment for pennies on the dollar.


Aren’t they the ones that miscalculated their budget and are in the hole by a mere quarter of a million dollars?

No wonder they’re having a fire sale :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Not sure about the budget snafu but the surplus sales has been around longer than I have lived here which is over 11 years.

Just picking on’em :wink:

The legislature stopped towns like Phoenix from destroying seized and lost firearms…


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