Saw this and it really caught my eye.

Saw this and it really caught my eye. Shipping in July and sub 700us with color touch screen and Wi-Fi. 2 year warranty. Lets discuss. And I an partial to orange.

Originally shared by

Will have one to test soon, will tell you how it is. Also helped to debug their awful english ^^

Too good

overfunded in 3…2…1…

@Dushyant_Chhatbar …to be true? That was my first thought. It seems cheap for what it looks like. I’m thinking they might cut corners with the mechanical parts to get to that price point. An aluminum casing like that is not cheap.

On the good points, it’s nice that they want to support Linux.

@Normand_Chamberland they are coming up with something new and trying to make it cheap and warranty for 2 years thats good

@Dushyant_Chhatbar making a product cheap is all good unless they have to use cheap (bad quality) components where they shouldn’t so they can have a nicer looking enclosure. That’s what I was trying to convey.

@Normand_Chamberland normally 3D printer manufacture gives 1 year warranty but these guys are planing for 2 years m eager to see how they are making it so cheap.

@Dushyant_Chhatbar they’re are reseller and 2 years of warranty are required in Germany

Yeah, I found the manufacturer is a Chinese company.

that is why the costs are down.
