Running Madrix/ madmapper or Resolume over Artnet on the ESp32 gives me frameloss when

Running Madrix/ madmapper or Resolume over Artnet on the ESp32 gives me frameloss when i get to universe 1.
Everything beyond universe 1 is not working correctly.

When tried the same on the ESP8266 it runned smootly .
i just can’t figure out why this is happening.

one example is on the ESP 32
and the smooth one on ESP8266

first is esp 32 , second ESP8266

@Jeroen_van_Dorsten can you publish your code ?

@Yves_BAZIN this is the ESP32 code i used

the ESP/artnetneopixelsync

@Jeroen_van_Dorsten you are using my fork of arnet. the sync should not work like this then.
the setup is a bit different because i have noticed that above 4 universes the normal artnet is not reliable.
try this fork
if you need more than 4 5 universes you could use my fork but the program you should use in your setup()

UNIVERSE_SIZE is the size of the universe you are using in pixels

and then in you loop
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

@Yves_BAZIN Thanks again! Mister LED Wizzard :smiley:
Did you mean 4 or 5 universes or 45 universes?
Eventually i will need 36 universes

@Jeroen_van_Dorsten Ahha i meant 4 or 5 I personnally use 35 universes for my panel

@Jeroen_van_Dorsten I suggest you try first the fork I gave you the link to and then if you encounter issue then use mine

hi @Yves_BAZIN, i just uploaded the artnetexample.ino Serial Monitor reads it received artnet packet data BUT my ws2812b’s wont Light up, no matter what pins i used from ESP32.

Did i miss something wrong with my Esp32 setup?

I had the same problem with some power sources. The ESP32 sends out 3.3 V signals, but the data pin on the WS2812B needs 5 V. You can use a level shifter for this issue.