Resurrecting my OpenBuilds Ox CNC router

@Cg_Mullr That’s good to hear. What software tool chain are you using? Do you use the OpenBuilds CAM and Control?

On my lathe (rotary), I use Vectric Vcarve then --in the past-- used Control for homing, running the gcode, etc… That is because I am generating gcode from 3d stl files. However, the laptop I have on it is a really old (2011ish) windows 7. After many improvements and add-ons to Control, I started having issues with that laptop so I switched it back to an older version of EstlCam to control and stream my gcode. I have had an Estlcam license since before Openbuilds created any of their software. While I used Control, I really liked it. I have a new BlackBox X32 I will use either for a CO2 laser, or a plasma cutter. I just have not got around to building either yet.

@Cg_Mullr Thanks for the info. I have an EstlCam license, too, so I’m glad to hear the BlackBox understands the g-code it generates! That bodes well for it working with the BB X32. Which controller preset in EstlCam do you use?

The BlackBox 4x is what I have used so far with Grbl on Estlcam. I have not tried it with my 32x yet. I use the Estlcam controller as well because it does tool changes and also you can pause a job, and move the tool head around.

I have never tried to flash the 32X with Estlcam yet.

Well, I just checked and I thought I had bought a license, but it looks like I did not. I have v10 installed, which is pretty old at this point. But, it doesn’t matter because the PC I will be using is Linux Mint, and EstlCam is Windows only. I may try to get Kiri:Moto to do my CAM work (assuming OpenBuilds Control understands generic GRBL).

It just arrived!

EDIT: without the Xtension connectors. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Guess I won’t be hooking it up for a while. I’ll return it if they don’t send the connectors.

EDIT EDIT: I realized this sounds like I’m more angry than I am. I understand honest mistakes. I’m just super disappointed because I had blocked out time to work on this and now I can’t. I opened a ticket, and the silence would be deafening if it wasn’t the weekend. Hopefully, I will hear back from them on Monday.

OMFG. I’m an idiot. Here is the reply from OpenBuilds support:

"Thank you for contacting us. We are happy to help!

All of the connectors needed for the BlackBox, come already plugged into the BlackBox. You must remove them for wiring.

Please feel free to reach out with anything else and thank you for your support!

Thank you"

I looked at the box, and indeed, they are there. :man_facepalming:

I’ve received the BlackBox Motion Control System 32. Lots of config to do…

Crazy. A lot of testing and failures. Long story short: I now think my old 24V PSU may have been the source of ALL my TinyG halting problems that I could never figure out.

Basically, brown outs are diabolical.

I’ve already ordered this new 24V PSU that I suspect will fix the problems with my brand-new BB32. It probably would have fixed my TinyG halting problems, if I had ever figured out the PSU was at fault! I mean, it puts out 24V, but I think it is probably not really a 350W PSU.


Glad you found a problem.
How do you know that the 24V supply is bad?

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It is not 100% definite, yet. But the BB32 has current trim pots for the stepper drivers. I was having a devil of a time because I wired up one stepper to get it working, and then I wired up the rest and plugged them all in. Then it stopped working. I’d also changed some other stuff in the config, so I thought I’d messed up the settings. Then I tried again with only 1 stepper and it worked. So I tried all the steppers, plugging in only one at a time, and they all worked! I had a hunch the PSU was nearing its power limit. To test this theory, I turned all the trim pots to min and plugged 2 steppers in, and they worked! I plugged the third stepper in, and it worked.

Given my past history of not being able to track down what I thought was an EMI problem with the TinyG, I now think that the PSU was to blame all along.

I’d often read that cheap PSUs can sometimes claim to be higher wattage than they are actually rated for, and that seems to be the case here. I tested the voltage and it is putting out 24V, but it is supposedly a 350W PSU–same as the one rated for use with the BB32 from OpenBuilds, which should easily be able to drive my mid-range NEMA32 steppers–so I suspect the PSU.

But, again, I won’t know for 100% sure until I receive the new PSU, but I think these test results are fairly conclusive.

I’ll reply back here after the new PSU arrives and I test whether the steppers all work with the trim pots closer to max.

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Huzzah! The old power supply was definitely the problem. The new OpenBuilds® 24V Meanwell Power Supply Bundle solved the problem. I validated this by first (again) reproducing the problem by cranking all of the stepper trim potentiometers to max and none of the steppers would jog. Then I assembled and connected the new power supply and it worked–a little. I got the red overcurrent exclamation points on the BB32 (as should be expected). I turned Y1 and Y2 to near min (they work in tandem, so this should be fine) and the X and Z down to ~3/4. I rebooted everything and it all jogs nicely!

Aside: turning all the stepper trim pots all down to min actually had the BB32 working, so I may have been/will be able to get my TinyG working–weakly–by turning its trim pots down. I have some NEMA17 steppers I have lying around, so my TinyG may find new life in a small CNC router or baby mill.