Replaced my servo-deployed microswitch z-probe with a BLTouch on my OrdBot.

Replaced my servo-deployed microswitch z-probe with a BLTouch on my OrdBot. I thought it would be a simple replacement because the connection to my RAMPS board was identical. After ramming the nozzle into the bed when the probe didn’t register I finally discovered my problem. Micro switches don’t care about the polarity of the connection to the board but the BLTouch does. Reversed the ZMIN two-wire Dupont connector and suddenly everything works!

I am embarrassed at how many such bed crashes were needed.

This upgrade forced me to upgrade Marlin from 1.0.3(?) to 1.1. So there’s that.

hey, on the bright side, as long as the head didn’t move before lifting, no permanent damage should’ve occurred.

Marlin has come leaps and bounds over the last year or so.
2.x coming soon

It’s all good again. The z axis is a little noisier now but I can fix that.

@Gary_Tolley_Grogyan I was very impressed with what I saw in the 1.1 branch. The code has really been cleaned up, for one thing.