Question - new to GcodePrintr but not to 3d printing.

Question - new to GcodePrintr but not to 3d printing. Long time user of Octoprint but it’s a pain with an RPI and the tablet presents a nice screen and looks good!
What I seem to be missing/not finding is the ability to manually send G codes in a terminal or console window? Is that available?
I have an ATX PSU connecting to a RAMPS 1.4 setup - I have enabled the Marlin firmware to accept the M80/M81 codes to turn off/on the ATX PSU - is there any power settings/plugins that can be used to turn on and off the PSU?
I also had an unusual problem when I tried to upload a file via the web interface, it fails - just goes to a dead page. Any idea what that might be from?

Hi Norm, thanks for using GCodeprintr. Below the “Connect” button, there is a Button with a ‘M’ icon. (M for Macro). It opens a new dialog where you can define your own macros or just execute a single command like M80. If you define it as a macro you can use the “favorite macro button” to start the macro without opening the macro dialog (see
Does the web upload fail always ? Which version do you use (I fixed a multipart upload bug in 3.0.8)

I’m using 3.0.8.
Thanks for the macro hint.
I use cura as my slicer. Has anyone been able to setup the direct send with it?

I tried a different tablet (a Samsung Galaxy tab S) and got the same error. It says connection reset whenever I tried to upload a file. I did copy the file over to the OS and tried to load but OMG that was slow. Maybe a tablet isn’t the right answer :frowning:

Do you see some error messages on the console ? Please enable debug logging and try again to upload through web.
How long did the load take ? Loading usually takes 10-40 seconds but it depends on the filesize. If you send me your gcode by email I can try it on my tablet to see what is wrong.

I found another issue in the web upload code (browser specific). I have published a new version v3.10 of Gcodeprintr with a fix. To directly send the gcode from Cura to Gcodeprintr you can install the Octoprint plugin. With 3.10 it works fine.

Thanks - in the middle of rebuilding my printer at the moment but can try after it is working again.