Question: cutting a cross on a 1/8 thick hard playwood. Setting to cut at 8 speed 19.2 laser power , well look at image , some parts get cut clean some not and burn the back.
Any suggestion to cut it. Laser tube 80 watt.
That would be due to inconsistencies in the wood.
See this post
Thank you, I didn’t know about metal in the glue, any brand of wood I should look for and store. I see lots spark while cutting 1/8 and on some 1/4 playwood too.
I buy it at homedepot.
Search the forums and find out who people buy from. I know there’s a lot of suggestions for people on eBay and Amazon that have good product for laser cutting
Thank you, I will do.
I had the same problem and it turned out my bed was not level to the cutter head. It got worse as I walked towards one corner.
it could also be alignment, but can it always be alignment?
I don’t think it’s alignment because I test nine different spot and cut a 1" square 1/8 thick , clean cut.
just re-read orig post: was that 8mm/s@19.2ma or 19.2%? and if percent then what value=100%?
It’s 19 not .2 phone auto correct to something I type early. I use rdwork 8 , I don’t have an amp meter attach to laser yet .