PROBLEM: I have tried to upload a simple program to one of my two

I have tried to upload a simple program to one of my two ESP8266-01 - but it seems that no matter what I do - I not able to transfer it.
I have been searching for the errors, and some is talking about power supply problems. Some about a missing condensator and some is saying it’s the Arduino IDE, that are having a problem.
I’m following this but is getting either this message

On Breadboard:
error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

Using the USB stick:
error: failed reading byte
warning: espcomm_send_command: cant receive slip payload data

I’m having no problem communication with the module using the terminal and “AT” commands.

I have a module on which are not soldered two SMD resistors. I noticed this only after I photographed the module in macro mode. Messages looked like yours. After soldering module works fine.

I have tried with several different modules. I don’t think that all of them would have the same problem :slight_smile:

Reset and programm buttons?

You need a reset/program button.

missing/deleted image from Google+

Also I’ve found that most of the time the draw through the usb UART stick is too high, so I tend to seperatly power them

Might very well be missing components on all your modules.

Dont have an ESP 01 to compare but i do see unpopulated pads.
Did u get all of the units as a single batch?

Switch the RX and TX cables

Try with a ceramic capacitor, around 10pf, in replacement of the electrolitic one!

I had to solder a switch to the underside of the usb programmer. Closing the switch enabled code to be flashed to the esp01. I will try and find the YouTube video which helped me out. try this.

Insufficient power from USB socket, try to add external with min 2A

For me it was two things.
1 notice that half the post says the wrong thing about RX and TX. connections to the ‘mother Arduino’. If I remember correctly now it’s the old fashion logic. Rx-tx. Not rx-rx… or was it the opposite…hmm… :wink:

2 fiddle with the two digital connections before u get it right, with timing and all.

About power it was running on everything from 3 to 5 volt. And no need for 2A.
With 3V battery I had to place a capacitor to make it work with the wifi spikes.
I have no idea what I used. Tried bigger from a bag until it worked

It may be worth reflashing with nodemcu flasher GitHub - nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher: A firmware Flash tool for nodemcu, this has solved a few of the issues I have had in the past

Have you put it in flash mode successfully? Otherwise it will keep booting into the default AT firmware.

To do this:
0. GPIO 0, GPIO 2, CH_PD and RST should be connected to pull-up resistor(s).

  1. Press and hold the GPIO0 to GND
  2. GND the RESET pin and then release the Reset
  3. Finally release the GPIO0 pin.

You should then be able to successfully upload the code. (Al-teast for the Arduino IDE this works)

This is the manual method (without the DTR pin connected). Actually DTR never worked for me, I always use the above steps to program.

More at:

I found the problem:

  1. The USB stick does not provide sufficient power.
  2. One of the wires to my ESP was broken :-/

I did have all the other things correct :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your suggestions! I really appreciated it.

Apparently is also seemed that have the LED on GPIO 2 prevented the IDE from transfer. I have to remove the LED to make it work.

I had to disconnect some of my sensors from GPIO 2 to update. But only some. I guess it pulls it down