probe -Z Homing

Hi Guys,

i use normal Endstop for homing everything but now i got a Probe (capacitive) and wanna home -Z with taht instead of Homing with my -Z Endstop.
I tryed to home Z and trigger my Probe but it don’t stop.
What sould i do?

(Checked already with M119 if the Endstop works untriggerd = 0 triggered = 1)

Imported from wikidot

Set up an end stop that will allow the Z axis to home to the max. Then use the min end stop pin for the probe.

Hi, currently i try to use my Probe to home my Z Axis but everytime i enter g29, g31 or g32 i get:
“No strategy found to handle g29”.
I downloaded from here the latest version installed git and the other Things to compile everything.

Here is my config: (i use a Re-Arm + Ramps 1.4 so don’t wonder about my pin configuration) :smile_cat:
pastebin. com/4aiwQNey

My compiled main.bin: com/file/d/0BxLYV9G8oHT2UXNGQVhDYW1LVDg/view?usp=sharing

BTW: g30 work (get the distance that was probed)

Is there something i can do to fix that?

This forum is generally about things and issues with the Smoothie board. If you want help with ramps 1.4 you may be in the wrong place.

Seems to me this is exactly a smoothieware issue, and thus belongs here.

Can you update both your firmware and your config file to the very latest version ?

Did that already with the Result that nothing has changed. :frowning:

By the way:
the BuildShell cann’t acess the git repository
i.gyazo. com/4d0f56d8be20b4801c74b94c810a8361.png

This sounds like you downloaded a zip file instead of doing git clone in the command line.

Also, why are you compiling anything ? You shouldn’t have to, you should just use the latest edge .bin file and config file, follow the instructions on the wiki.

I don’t know how to work with git and the latest version of GitHub is buggy :frowning:

The latest version of what is buggy ?

Unless you are modifying the code, there is no reason at all to compile smoothie, you shouldn’t be doing this.

ok got it.
Found the directory where git createt all the smoothieware stuff and i will upload everything (firmwareBin/firmware.bin) to my D-Bot.

Same result…
gyazo. com/78b9507f5bf3110c5c7b0b559b7cf7c3

No strategy found to handle G29 /31/32

# optional Z probe
zprobe.enable                                true            # set to true to enable a zprobe
zprobe.probe_pin                             0.27^           # pin probe is attached to if NC remove the !
zprobe.slow_feedrate                         5               # mm/sec probe feed rate
#zprobe.debounce_count                       100             # set if noisy
zprobe.fast_feedrate                         100             # move feedrate mm/sec
zprobe.probe_height                          5               # how much above bed to start probe
#gamma_min_endstop                            nc

grid mode stategy

leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.enable true
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.x_size 330
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.y_size 205
#leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.size 7
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.grid_x_size 7
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.grid_y_size 5
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.do_home true
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.probe_offsets -55,-23,0 # probe offsets x,y,z (Z should always be 0) false
leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.initial_height 5 # probe travel height before probing

And your exact firmware version ( result of the “@version” command ) is ?

Build version: edge-75df940, Build date: Jan 18 2017 20:23:52, MCU: LPC1768, System Clock 100MHz

I said to use the latest edge, why are you using a version from months ago ??

Also what board type is this ? It’s not a smoothieboard.

It is the Re-ARM Board.

This is what i typed in:

Andres@Andres-PC MINGW64 ~/Smoothie (edge)
$ git pull
Already up-to-date.

Andres@Andres-PC MINGW64 ~/Smoothie (edge)
$ git checkout master
Switched to a new branch ‘master’
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

Andres@Andres-PC MINGW64 ~/Smoothie (master)
$ git pull
Already up-to-date.

The documentation says to use the latest edge branch before asking for help ( at least twice ).

I told you to use the latest edge branch.

Please stop trying to use github or to compile things, there is no reason to do this, and even less reason to go to the master branch. PLEASE just do what everyone else does and just use the latest edge.

Ok but as i already sad, i’am a git NOOB.