Preview location different to cutting location

Hi, I’m new to CO2 lasers but an experienced engineer programming various CNC machines. I’m tyring to get started with a 50w Chinese laser running K40 Whisperer. I’m having a really weird problem that I think is a bug in K40 Whisperer but cant convince myself yet. The machine homes properly (in top right, note top right checked in the settings as i think this is part of the bug). I’ll then locate the job, click the 4 corners of the job in turn to make the head transvers over the correct area. Great in the right place! hit run and it starts the program to the right of the box that it has just outlined. i.e. not where it had just previewed. Same thing happens with trace outline. it does the outline in the same place as it would cut, not the “box” that I would use to set the job location. i did wonder if “use input CSYS” would resolve the issue its in the wrong place and cannot be related. To me it feel like it is something to do with flipping the axis when the “home in top right” is checked. Any idea??

What software are you using here?

I’m not familiar with the Chinese stuff shipped with the machine.

Pretty much only use Lightburn on a Ubuntu machine.

In Lightburn there are options such as start from, job origin along with absolute and user origin setting that effect where the job runs.


Does the engraving come out mirrored to the right of the box? Or is the design correct and just in the wrong location (i.e. translated)?

I just did a quick test with V.66 to make sure it was working correct with the “home in upper right” selected. Everthing seemed to check out on my machine.

strange. The job isn’t mirrored just a different location. I’ve just installed MeerK40t and it works fine. It must be a bug in K40Whisperer. Thanks for your reply. MeerK40t looks like it will do everything i need. I think i’ll just abandon K40Whisperer and carry on. MeerK40t will apparently also emulate one of the Lightburn supported control boards i.e. i can use my M2 Nano board. so win win. I’ll make a move to light burn once i’ve figured it out.

Thanks Again for your time!

I was able to verify the issue @Gregg_Wallace reported. There were issues in the code that flipped DXF files for machines that home in the upper right. The problem did or did not appear depending on where the origin of the DXF file was relative to the design. The problem have been resolved in K40 Whisperer v0.67 now available for download on the K40 Whisperer web page: