Please let me know. Unable to open SVG file with k40 whisperer

The exe does use python 2.x.

Any plans to upgrade to 3.x?

In the meantime, you could add this workaround for the two mkdtemp calls in

That should also do the trick.


Python is too technical for me to understand.
I hope the answer helps people with similar symptoms.

It is difficult for me.
Give up :dizzy_face:

Creating a new Windows user with an ASCII name (e.g. “K40”) and switching to that user to run K40 Whisperer should work.

There should be some videos on YouTube which show you how to create a new user and how to switch between users. Microsoft should also have some articles about these topics.

Well, I hope the issue gets fixed in K40 Whisperer. That would be definitely preferable over any of the workarounds.


I will eventually up it to Python 3.x but I don’t have any imediate plan to do that. I can look at adding a workaround. Ideally @makoto would verify that changing the user name fixes the problem. Otherwise there is s little uncertanty that the change will correct the problem. (there may be something else goin on)



You have successfully created a new Windows user.
I am very grateful to everyone who gave me the idea.
This is great because there was no detailed information in Japan.
thank you very much.


Glad to hear you got it working. :slight_smile:

Took me a bit too long to figure it out. Sorry about that. I knew that non-ASCII user names were problematic in the past, but I just kinda assumed that Python fixed this stuff like 20 years ago. Looks like my estimate was off by about a decade. Oops.

Anyway, I blame Python 2 for all of this. Heh.


thanks to your help
I have a fun laser life :grin:


So I was looking into fixing the non ASCII username issue. I have not been able to reproduce the problem. I created a user named “Hèllò Test ûser” in Windows 10. When I login as that user I don’t have any issue using K40 Whisperer to open SVG files.

The problem might involve names that don’t fit in UCS-2?

Try it with makoto’s user name: ユーザー (yuuzaa = user)

It’s written in Katakana.

The characters è, û, etc are covered by ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, Windows-1252, etc and are more likely to work.

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The user name was in Chinese characters.
It may be the cause.

It worked fine if the name was only alphabetic.

Thanks the user name “ユーザー” results in the failure to open an SVG. Thanks, it is much easier to fix a problem that I can reproduce.