Originally shared by Nick Parker Hey all, the slicer survey just reached 100 responses,

Originally shared by Nick Parker

Hey all, the slicer survey just reached 100 responses, and SurveyMonkey won’t give me any more data for free whether we get more responses or not.

So without further ado, here’s what people use. The data for the first four questions is in the pictures, and the responses to Q5 are pasted below. Thanks for participating!

manual placement and removal of supports. variable density of supports within same object.
3/29/2015 3:29 PM
stability, good support control, preview/layer views.
3/29/2015 2:37 PM
Pause at specified line height. Change infill density at specified line height or manually select (possibly rectangular prism set) regions with their own infill density setting. Default set to warm extruder before homing command.
3/29/2015 1:48 PM
Speed up option (like in Repetier) Live view (virtual layers being placed, whilst a dot represents the hot end tip)
3/29/2015 12:59 PM
Too many to list but a better workflow for multiple extruders and more precise fan control would be nice (e.g., activate fan for bridges and overhangs exceeding a certain amount).
3/29/2015 11:57 AM
Better support material generation.
3/29/2015 11:38 AM
Better support structures. Proper SD eject for Cura. Better model overlap algorithms.
3/29/2015 11:32 AM
I would like direct slicing from STEP solid model files. And outputting arcs to approximate curves instead of just lines. This might require the host firmware to understand arc movements.
3/29/2015 11:01 AM
Support for different slice settings by region on the build plate. Place cubes in the scene that apply a different slice profile to their intersection with any solid.
3/29/2015 10:49 AM
More options for controlling support and fill material. I’d like the option of a strong (slow, fully extruded) fill, or more of a support fill. Support material is often terrible. I’d like to see more support algorithms that print tree-like supports, with trunks, instead of massive things, hard to remove,. I often have trouble with fill adhering well to perimiters. Cura has a parameter for this,. I wish more did similar
3/29/2015 10:18 AM
One thing that I never really understood when changing settings in Slic3r in MatterControl, is how each setting would affect the print quality. I know that there are many variables to getting the best prints, and most settings are self-explanatory, but if I was putting together a slicer program for beginners, I would include information about how raising and lowering parameters would affect the final product.
3/29/2015 9:42 AM
Custom support modification and validation.
3/29/2015 9:36 AM
The ability to have different parameters for different layers of the object including infill percentage, speed, etc…
3/29/2015 8:52 AM
Good bridge support (main issue in cura) good breakable support (generally an issue with all free slicers I’ve tried)
3/29/2015 8:16 AM
Add specific support like with meshmixer. Change resolution at specific levels.
3/29/2015 8:14 AM
Option for freely places supports. Good G-code visualization vith the option to see different speeds in different colors.
3/29/2015 8:05 AM
Automatic selection of slicer properties based on object loaded (size, overhang, geometory).
3/29/2015 7:36 AM
Not really a new feature, just better healing of files.
3/29/2015 7:00 AM
Live control so I can adjust settings during a print and have it actively change the gcode going to the printer.
3/29/2015 5:15 AM
dynamic pressure compensation for bowden printers
3/29/2015 5:06 AM
it would be nice with a log, potentially containing a picture, to describe how well the print went.
3/29/2015 4:27 AM
Placing pillar supports manually. Or place any supports manually. Pause Print, to move extruder out of the way, then continue feature.
3/29/2015 3:14 AM
non planner
3/29/2015 3:06 AM
I feel the need for speed - features that add speed.
3/29/2015 3:04 AM
Extruder lead – have the extruder’s motion be slightly earlier than the head’s motion.
3/29/2015 2:29 AM
Dynamic extrusion width, especially for thin walled prints (usually 2-3 tracks wide) which would allow the print to be dimensionally accurate as well as full infill coverage.
3/29/2015 1:49 AM
Easily programmed infill patterns. Variable width infill.
3/29/2015 1:13 AM
manual support
3/29/2015 1:05 AM
Better cooling and speed control based on overhang, island size, ect.
3/29/2015 1:01 AM
Smarter infill placement.
3/29/2015 12:52 AM
Android based that exports to my micro sd
3/29/2015 12:51 AM
3/29/2015 12:44 AM
Free selection of areas within the print for higher quality/slower printing to save time while still enabling moving parts etc.
3/29/2015 12:09 AM
print recovery
3/29/2015 12:02 AM
Easier editing of gcode commands, maybe suggested code based on printer type.
3/28/2015 11:52 PM
A better Documented Terminal or way to modify output. A way to control raft speeds. Better Dual Extrustion support, better purge towers or geometry. Support for purge buckets.
3/28/2015 11:47 PM
Proper handling of thin walled structures, ie single extrusion width.
3/28/2015 11:42 PM
Implement a way to change printer speed in the override section like cura. (also support drop down and adhesion type)
3/28/2015 11:39 PM
Better/selective support creation, customizable infill by region, variable top layer topology.
3/28/2015 11:28 PM
Modularity. I want the GUI separated from the back end, different front ends available for it, etc. I want things broken down into modular enough pieces that I could wrap my head around (for example) 3D infill, etc.
3/28/2015 11:27 PM
Easier/quicker setting control. No comments. Thanks for doing this survey!
3/28/2015 11:12 PM
Better support and bridging options
3/28/2015 10:57 PM
Easy to have a second or third extruder and slicing capabilities
3/28/2015 10:54 PM
OctoPrint upload like slic3r Plugin system Web app or mobile support
3/28/2015 10:47 PM
An option to adjust inner or outer perimeters so as to prevent gaps in the interior
3/28/2015 10:35 PM

Can you export the data? I’m curious about the ‘other’ category and what people specified.

Not for free I can’t, but I can copy paste those. I’ll put them on my original post’s comments in a second.

@Nick_Parker ​ thank you very much

If you do another one (say, with Google Forms), I’d suggest adding “None” to the “host program” answers. Lots of workflows slice to an SD card and print without a connection to a host.

@Tim_Visible ​ +1 for Google Forms