Originally shared by Frank Herrmann I'm proud to present my XTC (eXtremly simple automatic

Originally shared by Frank Herrmann

I’m proud to present my XTC (eXtremly simple automatic Tool Changer).

Very neat!

That is pretty cool Frank. Very creative.

@marmil many thanks!

nice work ??

Good job Frank! Despite all your ‘criticists’ you did it! You will be a happy tool ‘changist’ from now on :grinning:
Can I borrow your solution? I’m not very sure about the electronic part because I have an AC spindle with a freq controller but I will try hard to replicate your solution.

@Alex_Paverman yes im happy now, i worked a lot in my Basement to bring this fly. Please friends, Spread the word! :slight_smile:

@Alex_Paverman can u drive ur spindle forward and backward very slow and can u stop the spindle with ur hand in this mode?

@Frank_Herrmann Yes, I can. Not only by hand, but by MACH3 too. This would not be a problem. I am not sure about controling the torque… I should study the controller user book first. It is such a complex piece of equipment I won’t be too surprised if i will find such function.

@Alex_Paverman can u send me the model name or a link of ur spindle? I’ll check this.

Hi, @Alex_Paverman and @Frank_Herrmann .

I have intereset in this solution too. I also have a 2.2KW AC spindle with VFD.

I also need to consider the torque for tightning or loosing the tool from the collet. For PCB milling the milling diameter is so little that the tool need not be so hardly tightened in the collet, i guess. I also did some PCB milling myself. But for wood or Alu milling, the tool needs to be properly tightened.

I use quite a lot of manual force when changing the tool.

I also have a fixed plate so the height adjustment is automatic with mach3.

But your solution @Frank_Herrmann is nice. I do prof. software development, so for me the software is easy.

That is calling the real maker ! :slight_smile:

Hi, +Henrik Larson and @Alex_Paverman if u like we can make a google hangout and speak about this topic.

@Frank_Herrmann Yep, you’re right! It will be more apropriate… i’m just not familiar with Hangouts. Probably I will manage. :blush:

Hi, +Henrik Larsen. I am inthe same position. Only 1.5kw but I am too a little concerned. But Frank’s work is definitely a path to follow for small tools with identical collet diam.

@Alex_Paverman Just call this url and thats all :slight_smile: https://hangouts.google.com/

Extending this to high torque setups and works would be a game changer !