Originally shared by Drew Fustini (pdp7) Excellent talk from that discusses the benefit of

Originally shared by Drew Fustini (pdp7)

Excellent talk from #lfelc that discusses the benefit of PRU for real time deadlines under 100 uS

Where’s that paper again @Sandra_Capri ?

Very nice presentation. In the end I just didn’t understand the title… It’s better at real-time than most self-proclamed rtos, particularly when using the PRUs

@Jason_Kridner , sorry I was slow on getting the paper uploaded. It’s on our website: https://www.ambientsensors.com
Click on the menu item “Game Changers” then “Documentation” (that Documentation item may move in the future).

And @Lucas_De_Marchi , the title is because it isn’t using the PREEMPT-RT patches - so I didn’t want anyone coming to the talk with the wrong idea. But it was funny how many people thought I was going to talk about Xenomai :slight_smile: . But you are right, with the PRUs, it’s actual real time control is really impressive!!

Oh, and I should have mentioned that besides the pdf of the whitepaper all the source and utilities are available at the same location.