Originally shared by Alex Lee Bio 3D Printer. First test run a complete failure.

Originally shared by Alex Lee

Bio 3D Printer.

First test run a complete failure.

- Original feline STL not reproduced correctly.

- Verify if genetic structure requires supports. 

- Increase intra-cellular infill.

- Reduce retraction.

- Find gene responsible for rancid breath and remove it before reprinting.

OMG I can’t breathe I’m laughing so hard! I told you that letting the dog clean the petri dishes was going to cause issues… You’re not letting Jeff Goldblum clean out the fruit fly blender are you?

I said it last time i say it again, PRINT THE 3D MODEL OF THE WOMAN and send me the results

@Tony_Gomes So now the “Weird Science” theme is running through my head…