Opening the hostilities with the delta contest.

Opening the hostilities with the delta contest. I’ve printed something shriny:

Ahh you start with something simple so we can warm up :wink:

I will run it tonight when the kids are sleeping.

@shauki Yes, it’s clearly visible if you’re paying attention.

I forgot to mention the model was scaled down to 70% to save some time/filament.

@shauki Probably… Here’s the parameters I’m using with the delta:

If I had known I would have scaled it too. Shoot. Well here is my 80mm/s PETG. I need to dial in retract a bit, but not bad for PETG with so many retracts:

Google Photos

Google Photos

I need to dial in retracts before I go much faster… At least with PETG.

@Eclsnowman My bad about the scaling issue! Sorry… The video you shown is impressive, the hot-end looks like it getting teleported from one part to the other!!! Which values are you using for speed, acceleration and jerk?
About the speed of the printing itself, I don’t think you can really go fast with PETG, ABS or PLA are likely better candidates.

Also, you can select several photos/videos at once and share them with a single URL. It’s much easier both for the publisher and the reader…

@Michael_Memeteau ​​ yeah, PETG is just what I had loaded. I got lazy. ABS is my preferred material for high speeds. For acceleration I have it at 9000mm/s^2. Travel moves and Z lift at 300mm/s. Jerk is not the same in smoothieware it is called junction deviation, but it is at the defaults still. Speed was 80mm/s, 2 perimeter, 15% infill, 80% on outer perimeters.

4.5mm retract at 70mm/s.

@shauki ​ and @Michael_Memeteau ​​ I still have lots of love tuning to do. This is only the 10th print my new Delta has performed, including the intial calibration cubes. So there is lots of room to find out what deltas like and don’t like. Give me a little time to figure out this whole Delta printer thing. I just drove this baby off the lot… The tires aren’t even warmed up yet :slight_smile:

@shauki Sounds good, but I why not a HercuLien. Go bigger and enclosed with dual extrusion :slight_smile:

@shauki I look forward to what you could do to help me improve the design. I think there are some weight and cost reductions that could use the Shauki touch.