Ok so I seem to be having some trouble with what I assume is my toothed belt skipping a tooth in the middle of a job. Which of course throws the alignment of my side to side axis off by about 1/8”. Very frustrating. Haven’t had time to look at the belt. Does anyone know if there are replacement belts out there for sale that just drop in? Or has anyone else had this same problem?
there is a couple of screws you can tighten to adjust the belt on the right hand side of the gantry. You can access them if you line it up with the hole in the panel leading to the power supply. for y axis they are in the back and annoying to reach. Just make sure to not over-tighten them, and remember to also check the set screws(if any) on your motors!
@Domm434 Right on man… Thank you so much! I’ll try that as soon as I get home!
If you end up needing a belt. Lightobject sells the proper replacements for the X and Y axis.