Ok, so I finally got around to trying to learn to use CAM to

Ok, so I finally got around to trying to learn to use CAM to write gcode and have been playing with Fusion 360 with some success. The problem is that I’m trying to use it for turning operations with Chilipeppr and TinyG and all the gcode is output in diameter mode rather than radius mode for the X axis.

Is there a configuration setting in the TinyG to use diameter mode for X? Will it know what to do with a G7 code? Alternately, I may just import the gcode into Excel and write a macro to convert every X___ in X(___/2), which seems like an annoying hassle.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

This item any help https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/TinyG-Configuration-for-Firmware-Version-0.97#ara---radius-value

@cmcgrath5035 Yeah, I saw that, but I don’t think it’s about this issue. For one thing it only applies to rotary axes (A, B and C). Thanks though!

Why not write a ChiliPeppr macro so the rest if us could possibly use it too?

@jlauer That is a capital idea. And I hope you won’t take it the wrong way when I say I hope I don’t have to do that. :slight_smile: But just in case… are there any good resources around that might teach me how to do that?

Look at the samples. There’s a couple that loop through the gcode and modify it.

@John_Davis ​​ Have you tried to compensate your steps per Rev setting for your tiny g on the x axis to move half the steps per Rev you would expect? I may have that backwards you may have to double the steps

@Alex_Krause Brilliant! Yes, I think that would work. As long as I start the program with X=0=dead-center-of-the-workpiece then telling the TinyG to make half as many steps should turn diameters into radii. Since I have to reprogram the polarity of both the motors and reset the speed of the Z axis for CNC turning anyway, changing one more parameter shouldn’t be too much trouble at all. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll report back.

@John_Davis ​​ if you have enough stock allowance try taking a skim cut. Put a set of micrometers/calipers on it and offset accordingly to set x0.0 just remember to jog away on z only leaving x where you made the cut