Ok, real first print this time.

Ok, real first print this time.

I must say, I’m really impressed with this design. I haven’t spent much time tuning yet, but from the first print I’m getting passable parts.

The vibration I mentioned before accounts for some of the striations in the extrusion, but with some further inspection I uncovered another likely culprit - one of my bearing holders is cracked! Hopefully replacing that part and working through my alignment a few more times will help. My circles also aren’t perfectly circular, but with any luck the cracked bearing holder will account for that as well.

It feels like it’s been a pretty long road working on this thing whenever I can sneak a day off work, but I must say - it’s incredibly rewarding to see it up and printing for the first time. Of course, once I get it all up and running perfectly we’ll have to see about adding that flying extruder or maybe a chimera… The build process will never end! :wink:

Great looking first print. Keep us updated as you work through the break-in tuning. It really helps others to learn from people’s troubleshooting even more than the successes.