Oh ho ho lookie what I got in the mail today.

Aha. This will be fun.

Yep I have the same panel Kelly.

When I got mine never thought I would have done half of what I have done to it. But the software is just so bad lol… It is my last leap of upgrades as I finished my manual adjustable bed, air assist and laser guide for focal adjustment. When I seen the listign this was supposed to be the latest and greatest k40 around, that was before I learned of this group and what the k40 really had in store for me. heh… @Nedman

I did take lots of pictures and will be doing a write up of it when I get close to finished. :smiley:

Small update, got it installed, and laser web working with it. First test was a little hot, will take some experimenting now to learn the ins and out of new software. Will now put all the pictures I took of the install on the computer and do a write up of the process I required.

My current write up. Will be changing as I go along. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f4u79SzF7th84rFIfUXIpY8u4YEpwoGeH7z-K8yjxQc/edit?usp=sharing

Wrong type of meter I know, will be fixed tomorrow haha…

Nice start to the write up, My glcd turned up today and I expect endstops tomorrow. The 3d printed bits should be here by Saturday. I can’t wait to get it all in and running, Ive installed Laserweb to my Mbp so Imjust sat waiting on the psu and C3D.

Hope to hear it all goes well for you! :slight_smile: Look forward to pictures. :smiley:

@Kelly_S just revisiting some posts regarding the C3D upgrade process, did you swap out the optical endstops for the arduino microswitch ones? if so could you post a picture of how you mounted them please.
I’ve spend 2 days rewiring my machine as my psu was so old it’s unbelievable but I can not think for the life of me how to mount the new endstops. Complete brain fry.


Wow, sorry slow reply!! No, I left all endstops as is. Only part I swapped was the board. :slight_smile: soon to be upgrading the cutting area and may get different switches now @Andy_Shilling

@Kelly_S ​ lol don’t worry I’m all done now.