Note to self. Always check that automatic reboot after windows update is disabled before

Note to self.
Always check that automatic reboot after windows update is disabled before doing a complete sheet…

I don’t get it.

It was supposed to mill the complete sheet, but then the computer rebooted mid job.

I was always afraid of that happening.
The solution I found very well working for me is to disconnect CNC connected computer from the network completely.

It’s just a simple option to disable.
Foolish of me not to do it, since I’m an it tech. :smiley:

Since I have many computers at my workshop I just disconnect one that I use for CNC and Laser =)

@Off-grid_Denmark ​, OMG why windows!!? Try linuxcnc or a arduino/rpi solution or why not one of those dirt cheap Chinese controller boards?

Sure. And you will code an alternative for my Aspire for Linux?
Why not the cheap controllers? Well, although I’m very confident with a soldering iron, I don’t think it should be necessary to modify a new product to get it working like it’s supposed to.
I use arduino and RasPi where it’s appropriate.
My cnc is not the case for that.

Btw, I’m not the right person to start a religious war on the best OS.
I use Windows, Debian and MacOSX where I find it appropriate.
For me, Linux is the best… For servers. Where I have been using it for the last 12-13 years.
It’s no good as a desktop OS for me…

@Off-grid_Denmark ​​, aha, my bad. I thought you had a dedicated pc for the cnc. :slight_smile:

And I just had to look it up:

I do, but i like to check up on everything before i start a job.
Tool checking, tool pathes and last minute improvements.

Oh. Rebooting. Yeah you have to disable that feature.

@Max_Kalin A disconnected computer? This is the twenty first century man! We don’t hunt Woolly Mammoths with flint tipped spears anymore either. What kinds of barbarism are you practicing over there?

@Paul_Frederick Hey! I do what I like and what works for me =) When I have a PC just for CNC so it works well with or without the internet…

Best thing is not to use Windows. :smiley:

I am allowed to say that, as Windows has been my bread and butter since the mid 80s… Would never use it unless someone paid me to, though.

But… I too am stuck using it as my CNC workstation purely because there’s no alternative for most of the good CNC software… but my machine itself has a dedicated controller/Pi - no windows involved.

Get something like Linux and that problem will go away. Or use a Mac.


The sad part is that I am stuck with windows too :stuck_out_tongue: at least on my laser cutter, moshidraw ftw! Have started to sniff/reverse engineer the USB communication. But never finished. Will have to continue working on that soon…

I simply refuse to switch controller when the one in use is perfectly suited to do the job.

Yes it works for you with a qualifier. I suppose that works for me too. I do prefer things that simply work though.

Cool giraffes! On the linuxCNC vs Mach3 debate - I ran EMC2 for a while but the lack of RS232 control left me wanting… and auto tool zero.
It’s probably doable, but I’d rather spend time cutting and designing and less time programming toolchains etc

Those aren’t giraffes. They’re oven rack sticks.

+Paul Frederik or they might just be giraffes. :wink: