Not sure if this is hardware or software related but every once in a

Not sure if this is hardware or software related but every once in a while I get this weird shaking effect from my modded k40. Any thoughts? This happens randomly every so often now running laserweb 4. Just started for the first time last week. New update perhaps?

That looks like a stalling stepper motor.
This could be caused by many things like sticky rails, too tight belts, motor drivers getting too hot, not enough power/current…

Does it make a chattering sound while that happens?

I’m not sure if it chatters persa but it does almost look like a violent vibration. I did consider motor current and changed it in the config file. I thought it helped but the problem came back. The machine has been running great for a couple months which is why it’s hard to nail down the issue.

@Chuck_Comito what provides your 24V power and what controller?

Can you freelly move the laser when the power is cut on the motors?
Powerful vibration can also occur when something sticks/seizes, and the belt skips over the pulley teeth… (Which is very bad for the belt BTW)

24v comes from stock supply. Controller is mks sbase with smoothie. Yes I can move the gantry smoothly with the power cut to the motors. I’m wondering if there is a short in my stepper. When I was trying to figure it out, I clicked the check outline function. It stuttered a bit and started to go. Then it hung a hard right and went all the way to the end stock in the wrong direction. After finagling a bit last night (but not actually fixing anything) I got a small job done. So now I’m thinking I may have inadvertently freed up a short without know where it is.

@Chuck_Comito I would put a DVM on the 24V and watch for a droop although it might be to fast for you to see.

I’ll do that don. Thanks.

This could also happen, if one of the leads to the stepper is internally broken.

@cprezzi ​, I did use those push in molex connectors. Maybe I’m losing half the coil. That could explain why after messing with the wiring a bit it worked again and it being an intermittent issue. I’d guess that it comes loose from time to time and then when I was playing around with it I made a solid connection again. I double check that tonight.