New web interface

Using a Smoothieboard and think the web interface could be better ? We do too !

You can now upgrade your interface by installing files on your SD card.

Please follow the instructions here :

If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.

Imported from wikidot

I feel I should really try the web interface sometime soon. Are there minimum requirements for the smoothieware version to have this functionality?

No requirement, but you should update to the latest edge from time to time anyway

If it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix it… :wink:

Still running a firmware version from last year april. Never had issues, so never felt a reason to “fix it”. But that will still accept the new webif, right?

It should yes

I tested the new web interface last week but it does not seems to be stable on my setup. Even the default one causes me problems when I upload a file, the file is truncated even if the interface reports “upload sucess”.

There is a problem with the ZIP file.
Windows 10 extractor is unable to process the ZIP file at all.
WinZip finds one bad file (or filename) in the archive. The filename is clearly too long,

I replicated this problem after downloading the ZIP file a second time. So it was not corrupted during download.

Three lines from the WinZip extraction log:
Extracting Webif-pack-gh-pages\documentation\web\images\keopkoc.png
Skipping file: unable to create a sensible filename out of “E:\DISTRIB\3D print\SmoothieWare\Firmware July 7 2016\Webif-pack-gh-pages (1)\Webif-pack-gh-pages\documentation\web\images\ker7egegneohm905wdu6x_uyyvwssoaoz6kwwbj9geoknhc1shkgnbf87bm-io3evwdnesy5pv2nizf1_pkoqvljlatpjqfvlmxgqcnjlhzul9vphbfrirz_0wigh4bilgp63ildtbqecpc4zk8yoktokttfbpgwnl2zd_dp0hferlncjd1w_nzzjtcmesejmswta2qbfdlhfdzrqhpwmu”.
Extracting Webif-pack-gh-pages\documentation\web\images\linkedin.png

Yes, that has been reported, using 7zip works so I recommend you do that.

Hi Arthur

I tried 7zip (version 16.02 64-bit 2016-05-21) and get the same error.


I also get the error on the 32 bit version (Windows)