Need help identifying this board.

Need help identifying this board. I bought a used delta mini printer and would like to update the firmware Marlin, but I don’t know this board name and lcd type to setup in marlin. This board has a SDCARD and rotary button builtin and the lcd is a 2004A soldered in the board. All other infos onboard printing is in chinese.

It’s using a generic Atmel 2560 on there; more than likely the pinouts are going to be very similar to a RAMPS board. If you’re trying to load Marlin on it, I’d start with the normal RAMPS boards and see what that produces.

@ThantiK I’ve tried several boards with atmel 2560 chip using Marlin, all of them I can get communication using the gcodes, but I can’t get the LCD to work, the LCD board looks very simple with litle components and is soldered on the controller board using about 11 pins. Tried also several lcd settings in Marlin but none worked.

The lcd is a generic 20x4 lcd. Looks like you’re going to need to take a multimeter and the 2560 datasheet + 20x4 pinout diagram to figure the pinout for firmware.