My newest autopilot build: $45 beaglebone, $30 clone apm2, gps from existing stock,

My newest autopilot build: $45 beaglebone, $30 clone apm2, gps from existing stock, custom (simple) inteconnect cape. AuraUAS flight control software with 15-state EKF, embedded python mission system, linux, flightgear-style property system, onboard xml configuration system, temp calibrated accelerometers based on flight data, mag calibration from flight data (or phantom dance.)

I Recognize that gps. It’s the same one they use in the typhoon H. Really cool setup.

Looks heavy, but a flying beaglebone is too hard to pass up :slight_smile:

It’s better for mid to larger size RC airplanes… But like you say, the convenience and power of Linux and Python is worth the slightly larger size and weight (for me anyway…)

@clolsonus that flight controller could do anything

For me the beaglebone offers much more cpu horsepower compared to one of the nuttx-based controllers (like pixhawk). This allows me to run a more sophisticated EKF (attitude/position filter) and build up much of the internal flight controller infrastructure in native python. The flight controller code is a hybrid of some C++ and some python based on performance versus capability versus easy of coding. I also just like the freedom and flexibility that a linux-based system offers. The APM2 has been heavily modified to only collect sensor data and relay it to the beaglebone, and also run the servos and RC input. The end result is that all the hard-real time stuff runs on the APM2, and the higher level computationally sophisticated stuff runs on the beaglebone @ 100hz.

Nice setup. I’ve never heard of AuraUAS.

Hi Nate, it’s something I’ve been working on since about 2005. It started by pulling in a bunch of code and functions from FlightGear. For a while I was taking the effort in a commercial direction, but then over the last year or two I forked off the open-source portions (which I would have had to do anyway if the commercial thing took off.) I then filled in the gaps with python code and the result is probably much stronger over all, and open-source too. All the code and the design files for the cape can be found here:
My design philosophy is specifically to not run on every board with every sensor for every person supporting every feature for every vehicle. Instead I’ve tried to be much more focused on building a strong and simple infrastructure and then do a few things really well.

@clolsonus I’m surprised no one has used a Raspberry Pi as a flight controller yet

The latest version of the raspberry pi (with quad core cpu) has definitely caught my attention. But it only supports 1 uart and my current architecture likes to have 3 uarts at least (1 to talk to the apm2, one for the telemetry radio, one for gps or a bolder-flight air data sensor.) … so definitely something I’ll be thinking more about, but for now the beaglebone does great.

@clolsonus i can’t understand what you are saying but maybe one day. I really want a fpv racer, but I think I would like to do my own design. I want to make a reverse Vtail so the V is in the front with a dedicated thrust propeller on the back. It would be a polycopter “7 rotors”. I think it would fly very similar to a car.

@clolsonus there was a Kickstarter that just closed from Dark Control for their Escape and 640 boards/hats for RPis that allow for the control of multiple motors and servos for rover/drone applications, and there is another hat that has yet to be funded which adds multiple UARTs to RPis. Just FYI.

Thanks Nate, that looks interesting, I’ll check it out. My application is fixed wing control so I’ve been more focused on servos (pwm signals) and less on esc’s (brushless motor control and higher power) myself. But this looks like a really cool application for the Pi-zero.