My 3d printer prototype is now complete and has all the major bugs worked

My 3d printer prototype is now complete and has all the major bugs worked out. The quality of the prints are on par with the best tuned printers I have come across. Now it’s time to digitize the design and build a beta model. Once I get to that point is anyone interested in buying a beta unit for testing?

just curious, what purpose does the sharpie server? awesome build though, and it looks great quality wise

just curious, what purpose does the sharpie server? awesome build though, and it looks great quality wise

Bigger bed next?

The sharpie is a very custom mod it keeps my wobbly hotend mount super tight :slight_smile: unfortunately it has been designed out of the beta.

The beta model will actually look quite a bit different and have a much bigger bed.

I have tested a direct drive and Bowden setup and have one more config to test. I really prefer a direct drive due to how good the prints look but I’m not sure it’s worth the added mass. I have a secret extruder setup I am going to try before I make my final decision.

Just noticed the lead screws are gone compared to MRRF. Looks like gt2vbelt z now. Also looks compact. How are you liking it?

Sharp eyes, I am using belts. I have found a way to get .1mm or better print height and not have the gantry drop when powered down. Prints look incredible. I don’t get any more z errors (ie wobble). I also don’t have problems with stalled motors and screw alignment over long distances.

I don’t think I’ll be using screws again any time soon. I’m not quite ready to release how I keep the gantry from dropping but I think that it will change people’s use of screws.