MRRF is right around the corner so I'm printing assembling like crazy! I have

MRRF is right around the corner so I’m printing assembling like crazy! I have a 100% stock build, and one “special” mod class build.

Those are brushless for the front wheel? Looks nice!

Whoa that’s not a joke!

Awesome, really looking forward to see more of this crazyness during the weekend! =)

It’s gonna be a fun weekend!
(And cold :wink:

That “special” build sure looks interesting :slight_smile:

Wow! That sure is a special build! The question is though will those motors have enough torque?

@TeamDogoman_Rc We will have to see Friday/Saturday :slight_smile:

Be sure to post some video of that special build.

@Steve_Barney We will definitely be getting some footage and I will be sure to post it here

@JJ_Johnson I’m following you to see it :slight_smile:

Duel in hub brushless I’d say Ground breaking mod

I kind of see both sides. You are right but as a designer prototyping parts for testing in plastic but eventually made in metal, it is a time saver

I’d love to see the mods you made to the back of that AWD car.

So how did it run?

@TeamDogoman_Rc We definitely needed some more space to run the vehicle, the exhibit hall filled up very quickly making it difficult to have a navigable course. I did not personally get any footage of the running of the car, but I know that Daniel Norée did. I am hoping he or others present will be able to post some videos up soon. Especially the portion of testing where the car tore itself apart :wink: There will be a rebuild soon with some footage and I will eventually be posting the source files and some instruction for electronics

@TeamDogoman_Rc@JJ_Johnson ​ There was quite some OpenRC F1 abuse going on there and I got it all om video! =) Just got back home, I’ll post the video later this week.