More ideas for limiting influence of not perfect straight leadscrews...

More ideas for limiting influence of not perfect straight leadscrews… (mine are cheap ones from Aliexpress and either suffered from transport or machining process when going through “lather” processing from 8 to 5 mm.


Have tired this design with negative experience…in past

Could you elaborate? What happened?

With moving or hard moving simple to brake springs and in your case ear a big crash …just thinking how u can remove reduce #hulahopeffect (lol)

Flexible in X/Y but not in Z… Hmmm Looks like composite!

flexible coupling don’t work?

Again, it needs to be flexible in X and Y but not at all in Z. It’s what is indexing the whole bed level.

oh, sorry :slight_smile:

No pb… :wink: I’d rather answer twice than miss a potential good suggestion.