Meerkat use with diode engraver

Appreciated. I’ve noticed that each flavor of linux has something in it’s system that was considered defunct a LONG time ago that is somehow still useful in a current build. This thread has given me a few more items to add to that list. To each distro their own, at the end of the day.

It’s not something I’ve seen in a couple of decades but I’ve been around Debian based distros for a long time now and just read that Arch based distro’s still use the uucp group. And I saw this for adding your user to the uucp group:
sudo usermod -a -G uucp $USER

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Which is why I use Fedora for my desktops. I’m stuck with debian (or Rasbian, or RpiOS or whatever it is now) for my SBC’s, but I’m dammed if I will use it unless forced. Manjaro and Arch are usually also very good at removing depreciated stuff, surprised to see uucp still there…Mind you, they are less good at removing depreciated documentation.

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That is valid.