Man, I hate it when I write a long post and then it gets

Man, I hate it when I write a long post and then it gets lost before I can post it…Update time.

@Alex_Lee and I have been busy with some real-world responsibilities lately, but we’re still trucking along. One thing we overlooked was an odd connector on the control board, but Alex has it covered. Another thing that’s been slowing us down is the plates for the machine. We’ve been trying to cut them ourselves on our @OpenBuilds1 OX machines, which is pretty slow going (my two machines hate me, and Alex’s Roxy has been tantruming too). But I’m getting a few sets of plates made locally this week to see if that’s a viable option. Then we’ll powdercoat them and Alex will ship some assembled machines and kits out to the red shirts first testers to see how they do in shipping and assembly.

For the RigidBot owners here that aren’t currently planning on a Talos, is anyone interested in an upgrade kit? We’ve been tinkering around with that idea a little bit. Or what about a trade-in program and the RB gets rebuilt for donation to local schools? Feel free to keep the board for target practice. :slight_smile:

Thanks to @Brandon_Satterfield , @Isaac_Arciaga , @Eclsnowman , @Justin_Herring , and anyone else that’s been slumming around with us offline to work on mini-projects and troubleshooting. We’re exhausted, but having too much fun to care. :slight_smile:

I am very excited as well. The solidworks model is coming along nicely, and I hope to be mostly done with the model in a week or so.