Looks like it's time to move on to something else like Twitter or some

Looks like it’s time to move on to something else like Twitter or some other forum. Any thoughts?

Please, not twitter. And an even bigger please, not facebook.
I can’t say I’ll miss google+, it has a lot of annoyances but I’ve managed to cope by reading most things in email.

Once upon a time I’d have said Yahoo, but that’s had several unpopular revisions and all the groups I used there have dried up.

Why is these communications companies go to such trouble to attract users and then piss them off or abandon them ?

Just a thought - is there a way to archive the postings here before the axe falls ?


What about an actual forum, hosted by cohesion?

IMO everything but this is UGLY! I find G+ users to be more of a technical crowd. What the hell happened!

@Jarrid_Kerns why is it time to move on? What is wrong with this Google+ community? I find it to be very useful, and people are responsive.

@artag Before what “axe falls”?!? Am I missing something here?

Evidently Google seed G+ as a failure and the scope of recent security issues is causing them to give up! Supposedly they will give us a way to keep the content. We will see what happens between now and Aug 2019 when G+ dies.

@SirGeekALot Google it bro

Try this:

I am trying the archive creation… while I am holding my breath.

Everybody is welcome at http://www.everythinglasers.com no BS, no advertisements, just people enjoying lasers.

Don’t go away to fast, this community is still alive, and I will make my possible to make the content available to anybody in the future.

I am looking at what other community manager are doing, open to any suggestions, back up tools etc…).

also “Google will announce new Enterprise-focused products for Google+ in the near future”.

dear Members please keep posting .

@StephaneBUISSON you have done an outstanding job on cultivating a community here. I will continue to support this group until the bitter end. Rather than see everyone scatter, it will be nice to have a place to end up and keep the community together. I will also offer to mirror this group as well.

It’s too early for decisions, let’s see what alternatives are there and also, Google will help export the data. When they decided to scrap the Google Reader, eventually a great product emerged out of it - Feedly, and there was a flawless transition to it.

@Nick_Spirov heh never heard of Feedly! Looking now…

@donkjr In another g+ group, http://groups.io was recommended. I don’t know anything more about it myself but could be worth a look.

Couple communities are testing different sites. I’m trying mewe and it’s good for chat and q&a, but doesn’t seem it would work for a knowledge resource. Sadly, I haven’t found many that do. It does have hashtag categorization, so we are giving that a run.

@StephaneBUISSON Hi Stephanie, as the Owner, I assume you have all our contact details and would be able to contact us all when our new ‘group home’ is found after G+ ends