looking for ares firmware, does anyone have a copy?

looking for ares firmware, does anyone have a copy?

Are you looking for Arduino side (Marlin source) or RaspberryPi side (OctoPi image)? I have both but the Pi image is huge. As Igor and I were discussing, I’m still looking for a place to host files. But the Marlin code is small enough so I just put a copy in my Google Drive: Google Drive: Sign-in. It is compressed with RAR. (Originally from Easy Arts.)

arduino side, I have a backup of the pi on sd. the printer has an issue I belive is the firmeware / arm length mismatch, im printing with 3mm of shim under the printing surface to make up for it. but would like to correct it. Im also searching for the stl files for the scaner attachment.

thanks you ill grab a copy off that google drive.

does somebody has (OctoPi image) for ares?

I did download a copy before their site went down. But the image is huge. I can upload if there is a place with sufficient storage.

Hi, how big is the pi firmware?

