Let's get started with a very basic subject:

I voted for 3/4 of them. I’m building a printer. I have access to printers via my hackerspace. And I own 2 printers…

You’re a 3d hoarder

I built a reprap Prusa but I don’t have time to play with it. :frowning:

I own and built my Prusa I2 “its a love hate relationship” as far as I know I’m the only one of my friends that has one, and I know of no hackerspace in Portland OR.

I have access to a hacker space and would like to get into 3d printing

We bought a printrbot plus that gets used to print tons of teaching aids for a preschool of mainstream, physically, and mentally disabled students. We use it for that plus so much more now. Awesome technology.

I an buying one but undecided on which one. Looking Hyrel right now.

I’m totally pleased with my Mendel90 kit,

I have an ultimaker. I love it!

I think an interesting poll could be “which slicing program do you use most often”. I’ve always wondered if the user base for the major options is pretty even, or if there really is a community favorite.

Great question, Stephen!

not too many

I have a sells mendel, that printed a prusa2 mendel, that printed my own design I will be sharing soon

I do
Makerbot replicator 2x, and a bfb3000 )

For me, it started three years ago with my university’s Zprinter, which printed a Sells Mendel, which printed a Prusa Mendel, which printed a Mendel 90, which printed a beefier Mende90 and a MendelMax. Somehow i feel like this isn’t the end of the line yet.

Ordered an Ultimaker today.

Proud owner of a Reprap Prusa. Working on a nice delta bot. Access to a Makerspace-hosted makerbot.

Nice, Peter! Reach out if you have any questions!

Thanks @Rick_McCaskill !!!

a poll software ?? what’s that

EDIT: I had not seen the post about introducing polls, I guess it’s not such a bad solution in the end