Layzor final design and preparation

Very well done!

This is amazing. I expect I’ll be building one once you have plans or a part list put up.

Nice job!

Indeed very nice



waiting for the parts list myself… I’ve been looking at doing much the same thing… I am wondering why the air assist is a challenge… I got an aquarium pump and a 18mm Laser Head w/Air Assist. for a total of about $60 including the tubing and shipping… (probably puts you over your budget but not hugely)

@Mitch_Newstadt I found that an aquarium air pump (at least the one I had) did not create enough air pressure …

only reason is budget. I wanted to stay within the proposed 500€. Apart from an air pump you’d need some tubing, extra drag chain + bracket etc. All of that is peanuts really but small things add up.

But don’t worry, air assist is coming as an optional upgrade, which probably most people would want.

I’m currently building the frame.