Just saw this, Sam Guyer Yves BAZIN

Just saw this, @Sam_Guyer @Yves_BAZIN

Just gona eave this here https://github.com/leonyuhanov/SK6812viaSPI/tree/master/SK6812_RGBW_SPI its writen for the ESP8266 but easily modified

@Jeremy_Spencer thank you. I will have a look at this.

Looks decent, but I think our new ESP32 support for FastLED has a number of advantages. First, we allow parallel output using as many RMT channels as you want (up to 8). The code above drives the strips serially (see the use of semaphores). Second, we now support more than 8 strips by reusing RMT channels as they become available (when other strips complete). Third, our implementation can optionally use the built-in RMT interrupt handler, allowing you to use the RMT device for other purposes (e.g., for IR communication, as it was originally intended!) even while it is driving LEDs.

@Sam_Guyer Does FastLED now support RGBW?

@Leon_Yuhanov I’m not sure – that’s a good question. There’s no fundamental reason it shouldn’t, but it’s more about the core design of the library. I just worked on the ESP32 driver.

@Sam_Guyer I think the RGBW support was the main reason this was posted. FastLED doesn’t support any RGBW yet. Your right its pretty simple to implement, thats why i posted my driver :wink:

@Sam_Guyer FastLED doesn’t support RGBW yet. I shared it as there may be something interesting in the code…

And discussion about RGBW comes up frequently.

@Leon_Yuhanov Apologies, I didn’t mean to sound critical. It is nice to have RGBW support, especially on all those platforms. Nice work!

@Jeremy_Spencer Having mucked around in the FastLED code a bit now, I think RGBW is a somewhat invasive change to the library. There are a number of places where the code assumes three channels of output. I’d be willing to take a stab at it, though, maybe with @Daniel_Garcia 's help.

@Sam_Guyer That would be amazing, unfortunately it’s way beyond my skill set…

Limited white support is probably all that most people need, rather than blend white into all of the colours.

@Jeremy_Spencer Yeah, the issue is less about technical skills and more about how it affects the color model – all of those great functions the FastLED provides for working with RGB values.

@Sam_Guyer @Jeremy_Spencer That’s correct, the colour model for RGBW is completely different from RGB. I have lokoed at a bunch of docs about this and have never been able to make anything that incorporates the W pixel in any meaning full way. Most people I know who use RGBW pixels for instalations, use the W almost exclusively without colour and vice versa.